I am a multidisciplinary artist and curator. I graduated from the Moscow State University of Printing Arts and the Institute of Contemporary Arts of Josef Bakstein as a specialist in graphic arts. I am a member of the Association of Professional Artists of Russia. My paintings are in private collections all over the world.

I am interested in the multicultural development of individual personalities and the process of recovering memories from the upper lawyers to the deep ruination of materials and inhuman agents. In my practice I work with personal memories and memories of remarkable objects that have shaped my life. My life is connected with cultural memories of Uzbekistan and China, where my ancestors live, and Kazakhstan, where I have been living for four years.
Watercolor, collage 29х21 см 2023 $70 30000 тг 7000 Р
Willow boughs
Watercolor, collage 29х21 см 2023 $70 30000 тг 7000 Р
Phone call from the past
Watercolor, collage 50х60 см 2024 $180 80000 тг 17000 Р
Tulip and willow
Watercolor, collage 43х57 см 2023 $160 70000 тг 15000 Р
Watercolor, collage 33х57 см 2023 $140 60000 тг 12500 Р
Watercolor, collage 30х32 см 2023 $100 40000 тг 10000 Р
Stable shapes
Acrylic, collage 50х60 см 2024$224 100000 тг 21000 Р
Voice of home
Acrylic, collage50х60 см 2024 $224 100000 тг 21000 Р
SOLD Bayan Suly looks at her reflection
Acrylic, collage 60х80 см 2024 $224 100000 тг 21000 Р
Social networks
Watercolor, collage 48x68 cm 2023 $224 100000 tg 21000 P
Watercolor, collage 50x68 cm 2023 $224 100000 tg 21000 P
Watercolor, collage 48x68 cm 2023 $224 100000 tg 21000 P
Acrylic, collage 100x70 cm 2024$295 133000 tg 27000 P
Alive and dead water
Watercolor, collage 49x68 cm 2024 $225 100000 tg 21000 P
One eye, two eyes, tree eyes
Watercolor, collage 49x96 cm 2024 $225 100000 tg 21000 P
Baba Yaga
Watercolor, collage 49x60 cm 2023 $225 100000 tg 21000 P
Ak Ana
Watercolor, collage 54x72 cm 2024 $225 100000 tg 21000 P
Dawn in the steppe
Watercolor, collage 54x72 cm 2023 $225 100000 tg 21000 P
Watercolor, collage 69x49 cm 2023 $250 112000 tg 23000 P
Atyrau bridge
Watercolor, collage 54x78 cm 2023 $200 90000 tg 19000 P
Acrylic, collage 54x60 cm 2023 $250 112000 tg 23000 P
Portrait of spectator
Textile, collage, papier-mâché 24x24 cm 2023 $78 35000 tg 7500 P
Portrait of mask
Textile, collage, papier-mâché 24x24 cm 2023 $78 35000 tg 7500 P
Winter garden
Watercolor, collage 56x60 cm2023$118 52500 tg 11000 P
Solo exhibitions
2018 Central Library of A. Akhmatova “Coffee and markers”, Domodedovo
2006 Gallery on Krasnoselskaya “Mammoths and Painting”, Moscow
Selected exhibitions
2024 “The Passage of Time”, internationa,l Astana.
2023 “Greenhouse”, St. Petersburg
2023 “Dialogue” Has Sanat Gallery, Astana
2023 Gallery on Shabolovka “Common Future”, Moscow
2023 Non museum The Steppe “Feeling of the earth. Modern Kazakh identity”, online
2023 Gallery Sal Seri "Gasyrlar orimi", Astana
2023 Gallery Jusan "Jusan vibe", Almaty
2019 Festival Art For Planet “ART FOR PLANET WWF Russia”, Moscow
2019 “Art Share”, Moscow
2018 "ART FOR PLANET WWF Russia", Shelepiha library, Moscow
2018 Central Library of A. Akhmatova “Coffee and markers”, Domodedovo
2006 Gallery on Krasnoselskaya “Mammoths and Painting”, Moscow
The exhibition Gasyrlar Orimi review

The exhibition Gasyrlar Orimi, which means a conversation about the past and present, is presented by the works of three artists: Polina Krutova, Ayana Askarbaeva and Aidana Satybaldy, demonstrating painting, ceramics and fashion design. The works are collected in an intimate and touching exhibition, filled with female images, myths and personal memories of the authors. The artists propose to reflect on what connects modern man with his ancestors, as well as on the symbols and images that personify this connection.
The exhibition is presented in a bright gallery, where the light coming through a large window gives the textures an additional warm shade and immerses you in memories of the closest women - mother, grandmother, sister.
Opposite the door are vintage designer shirts by artist Aidana Satybaldy, each with a unique design symbolizing something important to her. Nearby stands Ayana Askarbaeva’s fragile, smooth, and “living” ceramics, including a ceramic nomad bag, inspired by the artist’s mother’s story of how her grandfather taught her to weave tassels, as well as toys from her childhood and colorful vases from fairy tales.
Along the wall there is a painting by Polina Krutova, immersing viewers in the subtle world of Turkic and Slavic myths. Polina depicts the faces of modern women in the images of characters from ancient legends, thereby connecting women of all generations and demonstrating their greatness and strength. Here, the proud and original Goddess Umai in the guise of a snow-white gray deer, brings light between her antlers into the cold winter world of the steppe. The subtle, understandable facial features of a modern woman are harmoniously integrated into the mythological, illusory world. And here is the beautiful Bayan, as a symbol of every girl’s great love. The artist talks to us about her contemporaries, using the understandable language of myths and fairy tales. This is a search for inner support and invisible connections between women of different generations and cultures.
The Gasyrlar Orimi exhibition touches on such important and relevant topics as the influence of the cultural code on modern man, the search for one’s own identity and the role of modern women in society. The artists managed to subjugate the space and transform it into a platform for dialogue and reflection, where the viewer could, immersed in the past, think about the present.

Larisa Karchevskaya art critic, curator

2022 Habar 24 "YOUNG TALENTS' https://youtu.be/sknUZXr_p0U

2023 Habar Culture "News of art events'

2023 EL ARNA "Lifestyle'

2024 ART MUSE Magazine
+7 926 633 61 39
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